Prof. Dr. Ben Eppinger
Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Room: 405
office hours: on demand
Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420 3750
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Research interests
I study developmental differences in learning and decision behavior as well as the underlying neurobiological processes across the human lifespan (from childhood to old age).
My current research focuses on three areas:
(1) Lifespan development of adaptive behavior
(2) Lifespan development of learning and decision strategies
(3) Lifespan development of social learning and decision-making
The overarching goal of my research program is develop normative, neurobiologically plausible theories of developmental changes in learning and decision behavior using combinations of experimental, computational and neuroscience methods. The longer term mission is to use these theories to inform evidence-based interventions in the educational and health sector.
Curriculum Vitae
Sine June 2024 | Managing director, Department of Psychology, University of Greifswaldfor |
Since May 2022 | Full professor (W3) for Developmental and Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Greifswald |
2021-2022 | Guest-professor. Department of Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin |
2019-2022 | Associate Professor of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, CA (tenured) |
2017-2022 | Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in cognitive neuroscience of decision making in healthy aging |
2016-2019 | Associate Professor of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, CA |
2013 – 2016 | Assistant professor for neurocognitive development of motivational mechanisms, TU Dresden |
2010 – 2012 | Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin |
2007 – 2010 | Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University |
2007 | PhD, Department of Psychology, Saarland University |
2004 | Diploma in psychology, Department of Psychology, Saarland University |
Recent publications:
Devine, S., Germain, N., Ehrlich, S., Eppinger, B. (2024). Changes in the prevalence of muscular, but not thin bodies, bias young men’s judgments about body size, Psychology of Men & Masculinities
Rodriguez-Buritica, J. M., Eppinger, B., Heekeren, H. R., Crone, E.A., & van Duijvenvoorde, A., C., K. (2024). Observational Reinforcement Learning in children and young adults. Nature Science of Learning
Eppinger, B., Ruel, A., & Bolenz, F. (2023). Diminished state space theory of human aging. Perspectives on Psychological Science
Devine, S., Neuman, C., Levari, D.E., & Eppinger, B. (2022) Human ageing is associated with more rigid concept spaces, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Ruel, A., Bolenz, F., Li, S.-C., Fischer, A. G., & Eppinger, B. (2022). Neural evidence for age-related deficits in the representation of state spaces. Cerebral Cortex,
Devine, S., Germain, N., Ehrlich, S**., Eppinger, B.** (2022). Changes in the prevalence of thin bodies biases young women’s judgements about body size. Psychological Science, 33, 1212-1225.
Link to LDMlab website