Confocal Laser-Scanning-Microscope Leica Stellaris 8

Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. Nikolai Siemens, Dr. Thomas Kohler

Applications for the Leica Stellaris include brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, interference contrast, live imaging under gas supply.

Technical specifications:

  • Inverse research microscope DMi8 CS Premium
  • SmartMove for easy operation in xy und z
  • Fluorescence Intensity Manager
  • Mercury free versatile solid state light source
  • Motorized stage
  • SuperZ Galvo stage
  • Transparent microscope incubation chamber
  • Automatic water immersion supply
  • Hamamatsu Flash 4.0 V3 camera


  • HC PL APO 20x/0.75 CS2
  • HC PL APO 40x/0.95 CORR
  • HC PL APO 40x/1.10 W CORR CS2
  • HC PL APO 63x/1.20 W CORR CS2
  • HC PL APO 63x/1.40 OIL PH3 CS2
  • HC PL APO 100x/1.40 OIL CS2


  • STELLARIS 8 White light laser (WLL)


  • Power HyD S
  • Power Hyd S
  • Power Hyd X
  • Power Hyd R

Filter cubes:

  • LED 405 (excitation: 405/60; Dichroic: 455; emission: 470/40)
  • FITC (excitation: BP 480/40 emission: BP 527/30)
  • RHOD (excitation: BP 546/10 emission: BP 585/40)
  • Y5 (excitation: BP 620/60 emission: BP 700/75)

Prerequisites for using the instrument:

The device is located in BSL2 rooms of the C_FunGene (risk group 2, protection level 2) and therefore the user must confirm the following with his signature:

  1. A current briefing in accordance with § 14 of the Biostoffverordnung (Biological Agents Ordinance – BioStoffV) is available.
  2. A current briefing in accordance with § 12 of the Gentechnik-Sicherheitsverordnung (Genetic Technology Safety Ordinance - GenTSV) is available.
  3. A current attestation that a preventive occupational health appointment was held in accordance with § 6 of the Verordnung zur arbeitsmedizinischen Vorsorge (Ordinance on Occupational Health Care - ArbMedVV) is available.