Tillmann Meisel, M.A.

Research Associate


Research Associate
Room 123
Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn- Str. 17a
17489 Greifswald

Phone +49 3834 420 4487



  • Societal innovation- and transformation processes
  • Social inequality
  • Quantitative methods of empirical social science
  • Societal well-being and socio-spatial developments

    Short CV

    since Jan 2023 Research assistant and PhD student at the Institute for Geography and Geology, Workgroup Regional Development, Project “GITpRO”, University of Greifswald
    2022 M.A. Sociology, University of Rostock, Germany
    2021/22 Student assistant at the “Institut für Sozialpsychiatrie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.”, At-Institute of the University Medicine Greifswald
    2021 3-month long internship and student assistant at the research department of the “Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie Rostock“, University Medicine Rostock
    2020/2021 Student assistant at the “Zentrum für Lehrerbildung- und Bildungsforschung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“, University of Rostock
    2019 B.A., Social Science, University of Rostock, Germany