Chair of Business Administration and Finance, Prof. Dr. Thomas Mazzoni (Head of Chair), University of Greifswald
Chair of Business Administration and Finance, Prof. Dr. Thomas Mazzoni (Head of Chair), University of Greifswald

Thomas Mazzoni - A First Course in Quantitative Finance

"A First Course in Quantitative Finance" is now available as paperback and hardback. For further information please visit Cambridge University Press.

Portfolio Management Seminar - Winter Term 2024/25

The chair offers the opportunity to participate in the Portfolio Management seminar during the winter term 2024/2025.

Further information on the procedure and scheduling can be found here around the end of September / beginning of October 2024.

Exam Preparation Course

Winter Term 2024/25

As part of a block course at the end of the lecture period, the chair offers an exam preparation course during the winter semester 2024/25, which specifically deepens the content of the lectures in preparation for the corresponding exams.

Exam preparation course: Quantitative Finance and Risk Management

The date of the course will be scheduled towards the end of the lecture period and will be announced via Moodle.

General Information

Course management of lectures

The course management platform Moodle is the exclusive tool for the organization of the chair's offered lectures.

Request for immediate correction

Please pay attention to the chairs instructions when applying for an immediate correction

E-training and E-exploring (E-learning)

E-training offers a multitude of problem-generators. Those can be used to improve skills in problem solving and different computation methods.

E-exploring offers the opportunity to explore most of the crucial concepts used in finance and risk management interactively. For example model parameters can be varied and the change of results is visualized simultaneously.


Chair of Business Administration and Finance

Head of Chair
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mazzoni

Corinna Papendorf

Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70
Room 318
17489 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 2498
Fax +49 3834 420 2497

Fields of activity


