Portfolio Management Seminar Winter Term 2024/25

The chair offers the opportunity to participate in the Portfolio Management seminar during the winter term 2024/2025.

Further information on the procedure and scheduling can be found here around the end of September / beginning of October 2024.

Thesis at the Chair of Business Administration and Finance

The chair encourages students to develop own proposals for the topic of their final thesis. Alternatively, a topic is assigned by the chair.

Prior to registration, students are required to submit a two-page exposé to their respective tutor.

When submitting your thesis, please separately submit the ageement for checking the electronic version of your thesis with plagiarism detection software.


Chair of Business Administration and Finance

Head of Chair
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mazzoni

Corinna Papendorf

Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70
Room 318
17489 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 2498
Fax +49 3834 420 2497

Fields of activity


