
04. September 2024:

Jikangs paper on the Chameleon Ribozyme has been published in Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations!


10. August 2024:

Felix' and Alex' Review on nicotinamide riboside has been published in Molecules! Congratulations!


16. July 2024:

Felix' and Alex' Review on nicotinamide riboside in Molecules is accepted! Congratulations Felix and Alex!


15.-18. July 2024:

We were on Hiddensee for our annual seminar trip, this year for the first time with external guests. A successful event and a great time on the island. link


27. June 2024:

Aileen is awarded the prize of the Institute of Biochemistry for the best Master's thesis. She shares the prize with Anna-Lena Land from the Schulzke group. Congratulations Aileen!


13. June 2024:

Jikangs paper in Angewandte Chemie accepted. Congratulations Jikang!


12. June 2024: 

Aileens paper in Advanced Therapeutics accepted. Congratulations Aileen!