Dear students,

The Market of Opportunities will take place on 8 October 2024. There you have the best opportunity to get to know associations, organisations and initiatives.
There will also be other surprises waiting for you.

What: Market of opportunities

When? 08.10.2024 from 15:00h

Where? Large Mensa (cafeteria) at Beitzplatz


Registration for clubs

Dear clubs,

here you can register your club for the Market of Opportunities until 15/09/2024 23:59. By submitting the form, a stand will be reserved for you.
The information about your organisation is voluntary, but will help us a lot with the planning and application of the market.
If you need something special for your stand, please indicate this in the comments field!

After the deadline you will receive a confirmation email with further information!
If you have any questions about registration etc., please contact us at asta_veranstaltungenuni-greifswaldde.

We would like to point out that we will first check all registrations and cannot guarantee final admission to the MdM!

Stand registration form

Daten Standanmeldung

For questions about the event:

Contact us

Head of department events and student culture

Consultation hours:

Phone: +49 3834 420 1766
Email: asta_veranstaltungenuni-greifswaldde

General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald

For technical problems

Contact us

Consultant for Digital Affairs

Consultation hours: Wednesday 15:00-17:00 and Thursday 11:00-12:00

Phone +49 3834 420 1750
Email: asta_digitalesuni-greifswaldde

General Students' Committee
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald