Dr. paed. Margitta Kuty

University lecturer

Didactics of English language teaching

Room 1.46

Department of British and North American Studies
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
D-17487 Greifswald

Phone: +49 3834 420 3360


1981: Abitur (roughly equivalent to A-levels), Erweiterte Oberschule Eberswalde-Finow

1981-1985: Teacher's certificate (Secondary School - grades 5-13) for English and Russian, University of Greifswald (1984 study abroad at the University of Smolensk)

1990: PhD in Methodology of English Language Teaching (ELT), University of Greifswald

Since 1992: Lecturer of ELT methodology (American Studies summer Institute at New York University, 1993; visiting lecturer at Widener University, 2003)

Areas of expertise

  • Introduction / survey courses methodology of English language teaching (ELT)
  • Courses in language/literature/culture/media methodology
  • Practical classes with students at school
  • In-service training courses around Germany and abroad (e.g. 2006 Cameroon)
  • Action research projects with English language teachers and students (main emphasis on differentiation and learner autonomy in the ELT classroom)


  • Student councellro (esp. for teacher students)
  • Member of university council for teacher training
  • Co-publisher journal: English 5-10, Friedrich publishing house, Seelze