Professor Peter Borschberg

Professor Peter Borschberg

National University of Singapore

Department of History
National University of Singapore
11 Arts Link
Singapore 117570
Republic of Singapore

Peter Borschberg studies Europe-Asia interaction c.1400-1900, trade, exploration, globalization, de-globalization and historic cartography. He also has a long-standing interest in diplomacy and international law.




Peter Borschberg, who has been a visiting and guest professor in the department and attached to the Baltic Borderlands Project in 2012-15, has prepared during his time in Greifswald two major source editions in English translation. These are are published with NUS Press in Singapore and are titled

“Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge. Security, Diplomacy and Commerce in the 17th Century Southeast Asia” (2014) and “Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge. Security, Diplomacy and Commerce in the 17th Century Southeast Asia” (2015). Of these two major publications he has also prepared four student-friendly companion volumes: “Jacques de Coutre’s Singapore and Johor, c.1594-1625” (2015), “Admiral Matelieff’s Singapore and Johor (2016), “Jacques de Coutre’s Siam and Patani” and “Batu Sawar Johor: A Regional Centre of Trade in the 16th and 17th Centuries”. In addition to some chapters in books he has also prepared a number of peer-reviewed articles including “The Singapore Straits in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (c. 13th to 17th Centuries)” (Journal of Asian History 46.2/2012), “The Value of Admiral Matelieff for Studying the History of Southeast Asia” (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies), and “Free Seas and Free Trade: Early Modern Southeast Asia at the Transition to the Colonial Period”.