Policy Briefs

Policy Brief 2024_1: European Policy Spaces Across the Baltic Sea Region

Vassilis Kitsos, Prof. Dr. Christine Tamásy

This policy brief analyses the construction of policy spaces across the Baltic Sea macro-region, focusing on the LEADER/CLLD approach. A LEADER region is rural in character and covers a clearly defined area. Local actors in rural areas are involved by forming Local Actions Groups (LAGs) which design and implement strategies. At the beginning of an EU funding period, a regional development strategy which defines objectives and fields of action has to be developed. With this strategy, a designated LEADER region can apply for funding in the respective regional administration or national state. While this policy is well researched, we take a step back and observe that the spatial features of these designated regions are not often brought together in a macro regional perspective. We investigate how such LEADER regions have been spatially constructed within the Baltic Sea EU member-states and what kind of common characteristics or differences they have. Addressing this topic may offer a fresh perspective to policies for integrated (rural) development from a spatial perspective.

Policy Brief: European Policy Spaces Across the Baltic Sea Region (PDF)

Policy Brief 2023_2: Fiscal Decentralization and Task Responsibilitites in the Baltic Sea Region

Dr. Frauke Richter-Wilde, Prof. Dr. Daniel Schiller

Countries surrounding the Baltic Sea are characterized by a comparatively high amount of rural areas (Eurostat 2023). The supply of public infrastructure and services of general interest depends on a critical mass of demand within a given region to ensure accessibility for the population. In ruralperipheral regions, demand is often insufficient because of low population density or long distances to agglomerations. Nevertheless, infrastructure and services for education, social and health care as well as recreational, sports and cultural entities need to be provided to a certain degree in all regions. It is already stated in the literature that the provision of services of general interest has a positive impact on local welfare (Li et al. 2022 & 2020). These services of general interest offered at the local level and the different models to finance them are at the core of our research. To examine the role of local governments in different countries of the Baltic Sea Region, we distinguish public finance systems and decisionmaking power by their degree of decentralization. More centralized states seem to be more efficient in supplying infrastructure and services in administrative terms. Nevertheless, decentralization may lead to a better supply of public goods in all kinds of regions because municipalities know their citizens' preferences best (fiscal federalism, Oates 1972 & 1999).

Policy Brief: Fiscal Decentralization and Task Responsibilitites in the Baltic Sea Region (PDF)

Policy Brief 2023_1: Mobilität von Politiken für ländliche Räume im Ostseeraum

Dr. Clemens Lisdat, Prof. Dr. Christine Tamásy

Die Forschung beschäftigt sich aktuell verstärkt mit der Verbreitung politischer Initiativen in Raum und Zeit. Hierbei handelt es sich nicht um die Kopie einer innovativen Politikinitiative, sondern um das Übertragen von Ideen, die in einem spezifischen regionalen Kontext entstanden sind, dann in einen anderen regionalen Kontext mit charakteristischen sozialen und politischen Bedingungen transferiert werden. Allerdings beschäftigen sich die meisten Forschungsarbeiten zur räumlichen Mobilität politischer Initiativen und Ideen mit urbanen Politikmaßnahmen. Dieser Policy Brief widmet sich hingegen dem ruralen Ostseeraum. Zunächst wird geklärt, wie ländliche Räume in den Anrainerländern der Ostsee definiert werden. Anschließend werden gemeinsame Themen ruraler Politiken identifiziert und analysiert.

Policy Brief: Mobilität von Politiken für ländliche Räume im Ostseeraum (PDF)